About Vortex Medicine

About Vortex Medicine

The vortex theory of Ether, begun by Nikola Tesla, has found practical use in our days. We bring to your attention the unique device of prophylaxis and health improvement of the organism at the energy-information level – the therapeutic coils of Alexander Mishin.
In late 2015, early 2016, Alexander Mishin made the Internet community a gift. The inventor of the invention showed absolutely free of charge the scheme of the operation of his device, gave recommendations on how to make the device on your own, laid out the generator circuits and coil parameters.
You can find information on how to assemble the device yourself on our website in the section “Make It Yourself”. If you have the appropriate equipment, parts and electrical appliances,
For more than a hundred years, mankind has been using electrical energy widely. A huge number of all kinds of devices are produced, which are constantly located right next to us, but no textbooks provides the precise physical description of the source of energy – the electric current. At the same time, we almost do not think about the simplest biological safety of our devices, and, as time has shown, we should have. Over the past decades, there has been a sharp increase in all possible pathologies of the internal organs of a human body, the intensive development of cancer and other deadly diseases, which traditional medicine can’t cure. The reason for all this is not so much the pollution of the environment, but a lack of understanding of the physical processes in all our devices based on electromagnetism.

Physics of Processes

If to consider the physics of processes, it is known that in nature everything functions on the basis of the law of conservation of momentum, or, to put it more simply, it is impossible to perform an action without a fulcrum, and at the time of its completion both the object and the support will receive the same mechanical effect. If to look at it from the point of view of vortex processes, it turns out that by creating in a standard way any electromagnetic interactions, we rely on the transverse electrostatic (electrical) flatness. Our biological life is now placed in an environment where constant pulsations from all our devices (that continuously affect molecular structures) occur. The main effect of electrostatics is direct mechanical work to increase the frequency of rotation (twisting) of the vortex shells of molecules and their groups. As a result, they are excessively saturated, leading to the formation of larger clusters. This phenomenon can be roughly compared with the formation of “balls” of metal after welding, or in relation to the weld seam itself. It turns out that the fast increased strength of new formations is associated with the looping of the structure along the electromagnetic axis of the molecular structure. Further impact on such structures by mechanical (impact) methods is ineffective.
The same processes happen in the human body. Many looped molecular structures are not amenable to drug treatment due to their increased “strength.” However, such formations in the body lead to the formation of tumors due to their excessive energy (hyperactivity), or to the blocking of any other functions of the body.
The solution to this problem is in the field of electrostatics. The increase in energy processes is associated with a decrease in the density of the medium between molecular clusters, which leads to their stability. It is necessary to ensure that the medium flows into the cluster in order to create a demagnetization effect. Next, the medium itself will fill the intermolecular space, which will drastically weaken such vortex bonds. The easiest way to do this is to create a zone of reduced density of the medium with the help of electrostatic implosive resonance. At the physical level, this phenomenon is the absorption (fall) of the medium into a zone of reduced density.

The easiest way to do this is to create a molecular “shake” with the help of electrostatic implosion resonance.

This process can be created with a simple inter-turn tank. There is only a basic difference between the capacitors that are usual for us and what we need to do. In the first case, we try to increase the capacitance, minimizing the inductance of the capacitor, and in the second we create a minimum capacitance, but with the maximum inductance, while the inductance of the plates themselves during operation should tend to zero. Having created such a capacitance, we get the complete opposite of the standard capacitor; it does not accumulate a “charge”, but twists two electrostatic vortices (standing wave), above and below the equatorial zone. Operation in this mode is possible only in a certain frequency range, which is due only to the geometry of the capacitance itself. A strong deviation from the operating frequency drastically reduces the conductivity of the capacitance and, accordingly, the formation of electrostatics.

In the nominal operating mode, two zones of reducing the density of the medium relative to the equator are formed, after this electrostatic suction takes place at the center of the device. In essence, this process is almost no different from the usual “gravity”, having only a small range of only 2-3 meters. The transmitted power through such a capacitance depends on the applied voltage. For recreational purposes there is enough power of standard frequency generators with a voltage of 12-24 volts output and a current not exceeding 100-200 mA. More details in the section “Make It Yourself”. If you want to purchase a ready-made device – a generator with all kinds of coils, you can do it in the “Buy” section. The device that we sell is personally approved by the author of the invention – Alexander Mishin.


To find information about Mishin’s generator and its healing effect, please, visit About the Device